The single most important resource for Group guidance is the pamphlet, The AA Group. This may well be the most important pamphlet in AA. There is a copy here on the website.
We suggest you get a printed copy. If you cant find one, ask your District Chair for one.
This pamphlet contains brief descriptions of various jobs and functions in groups as well as suggestions for group meetings and questions to guide group inventories.
Finances are often very confusing for Groups. There is excellent advice in the AA Group pamphlet. There are also GSO Guidelines on Finance that are quite helpful for groups.
Groups run their meetings many different ways. For a quick overview of AA parliamentary procedure used in most District and Area meetings, see AA Parliamentary proceedure.
One of the primary jobs of District Committee Members (DCMs) is to assist groups. Ask your DCMs for help. They will be very excited to be asked and very willing to help.
There are also Guidelines for most of the committees that Groups may have. Take a look at the Area Committee listings to find GSO Guidelines and other links that may be helpful.
Some Districts and Groups have found it helpful to have printed copies of the Tradition and Concept of the month and their checklists. We have made these available for your use as MonthlyHandouts
If you know of other links or suggestions that should be added to this page, please tell us. Thanks.