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Area Servants

By 15.05.2023No Comments

Panel 66
Area 28 Officers:

Delegate: Gene W. [email protected]

Alt. Delegate: Robin G. [email protected]

Area Chair: Byron B. [email protected]

Alt. Chair: Nikki O. [email protected]

Secretary: Gigi G. [email protected]

Alt Secretary: Brenda B [email protected]

Treasurer: George B. [email protected]

Alt. Treasurer: OPEN [email protected]

Registrar: Rudy St.P. [email protected]

Standing Committee Chairs

Archives: Peter T. [email protected]

Boomerang Editor: John D. [email protected]

Bridging the Gap: OPEN [email protected]

CPC: Michael M. [email protected]

Corrections: Bob H.  [email protected]

Finance: OPEN [email protected]

Grapevine: Peggy G.  [email protected]

Guidelines: Robin G. [email protected]

Literature: Charlie P [email protected]

Love and Service: Jim L. [email protected]

Public Information: OPEN [email protected]

Round-Up: Lillie H. [email protected]

Special Needs: Denise J. [email protected]

Treatment: Phil H.   [email protected]

Website: Drew S.  [email protected]

Non-Voting Servants

Alanon Liaison: OPEN [email protected]

CSO/Intergroups Liaison: George O.[email protected]

Archivist: Peter T. [email protected]

Alternate Archivist:  Bruce B.  [email protected]

Webmaster:  JR B. [email protected]

Past Delegates

Bob D, Panel 36, [email protected]

Elaine O, Panel 48, [email protected]

Jesse M, Panel 50, [email protected]

Miles B, Panel 52, [email protected]

Denny O, Panel 56, [email protected]

Kathi D, Panel 58, [email protected]

Spencer R, Panel 60, [email protected]

Linda T, Panel 62, [email protected]

Mary Lou Q, Panel 64, [email protected]