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By 15.05.2023No Comments
  • The purpose of the Area 28 Finance Committee is to formulate an annual Area 28 budget to be presented to the Area 28 Assembly and be a resource group for Group & District Treasurers as well as the Area 28 Treasurer.

  • The Area 28 Alternate Treasurer is the designated chair of the Area 28 Finance Committee.  The committee will be composed of the District Chairs assigned by the Area 28 Chair, Treasurers of Districts, Treasurers of Groups & other AA members who wish to attend.  The Area 28 Treasurer may attend, but has no vote in the committee.

  •  Any AA member can bring forth any issue(s) for discussion at the Finance Committee meetings, but only Finance Committee members have a vote within the committee.  A simple majority is needed to bring recommendations before the Area 28 Committee.

  •  The Area 28 Finance Committee shall meet at all Area 28 Committee Meetings (ACM) (4 times per year) & Area 28 Assemblies.  The Finance Committee Chair may call additional Finance Committee meetings if needed.

  • General duties & responsibilities of the committee include: providing a proposed annual budget, supporting the Area 28 Delegate financially & with information, be familiar with AA Guidelines on finance including the principles of the 7th Tradition and share their experiences with Groups & Districts.  They will   report to Area 28.

The Area 28 Alternate Treasurer, Dana G, chairs the Finance Committee and  can be reached at [email protected]

See the GSO Guidelines for Finance that relate to this committee and also to local groups.