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By 15.05.2023No Comments

Treatment Committee

  • The purpose of the Area 28 Treatment Facilities Committee is to coordinate the work of the individual AA members and groups that are interested in carrying the message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities.

  • Any interested member can be on the committee in addition to the District Chair assigned by the Area Chair.

  • Each member of the committee has a vote within the committee.

  • The voting members are the Area Treatment Facilities Chair, the appointed District Chair, any district Treatment Facility chairs, and any interested AA members.

  • Votes will be determined by a simple majority.

  • The Treatment Facilities committee will always refer to the GSO guidelines / workbook to assist their committee.

  • The treatment Committee chair will meet the newly appointed chair at the end of the chair’s two year term to transfer all paper work and update the new chair on what the committee has been doing.

  • The Treatment Facilities Committee will cooperate with other committees in every way to assist in the development of their purpose.

  • The committee shall meet at all Area committee meetings and Assemblies. The chair may call a special meeting at anytime.

See the General Service Office Guidelines for Treatment Facilities Committees.

There is also a Treatment Facilities Workbook.

Area 28 Treatment chair is Abby C. who can be reached at [email protected]